
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Discharged today...OMG I've got to pack!

So Sam's ANC count hit 168 today and his doctor recommended he be discharged. Amazing news for first thing in the morning. Now I have to pack.

Sam will have his bone marrow biopsy as an out patient when his ANC is over 200. Guess who gets to flush his line daily? That's right yours truly (or Uncle Dan who is a nurse if he really loves me).
Sam' will continue recovering at home until the doctor's feel his counts are high enough to begin his next round of chemo in about ten days.
So I guess we will see you all soon!


  1. Such fantastic news! Wishing you an uneventful, boring, normal time at home.

  2. Hurray! How wonderful it will be for all of you to be together under your own roof!

  3. My heart is leaping and dancing and twirling around with joy. May Sam continue to heal and grow stronger and know full health soon.

  4. Mazal Tov!!! Keep up the great work Sam, mom, dad and obviously all the prayers....enjoy the time as a family!

  5. Yay!!! Sam...enjoy your bed! That's super!

  6. First, Anne gets to have all the fun playing! Next, I flushed a line for an entire summer. I'm a pro at it!

  7. Yeah yeah yeah.............. I'll flush his line. Not because I love but because I love ALL of you!
