
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Feel-Better Day - BMT +50

Some days, it's all in the marketing.

Last night before bed, Sam said to me: "this was the worst day EVER."
And I responded with, "Great! Then we know for sure tomorrow will be better."
(See how I set that up?)

And then when he woke up this morning, I declared it "Feel-Better Day!"

We even had a logo:

It's all in the marketing. (I offered to go get balloons but that idea was shot down.)
I declared that Feel-Better Day would have walking and eating and playing.

And it almost had all of those things.

There was one lap in the morning (and another planned for later this evening).

There was a few games of Crazy Eights and some Uno Dice.

Things were going well with Feel-Better Day until we hit a little wall of tired, which turned into a nap, followed by a movie with Grandma (Enchanted, which Sam didn't love, but Grandma did).
Watching a movie with Grandma
Then I found an Optical Illusion book which was very well-received and caused a lot of excitement and interest....

Until it made him vomit. Yep, I did that. Oops. (It made me queasy too.)

So, the only thing that Feel-Better Day was missing was the eating. But Mom had a mini-Twix bar and a latte, and that was part of Mom's Feel-Better Day!

So overall, it was a smashing success. We got through the whole day with a much happier kid, who truly looks and feels a lot better. I think (I'm not making any promises) that if things continue this way, we will be going home soon!

Tomorrow comes the PICC line, which goes into his arm. They don't have to put him to sleep for it, so that makes it much better, and it's something that we've done before, so that also makes it much easier.

Some days, you just gotta sell it to yourself. Sometimes that even works!
Just you wait for tomorrow, Feel-Even-Better Day!
(Do you think he'll buy it?)
Looking forward to being together instead of on FaceTime
So we've raised over $2500 for the MACC Fund through the sale of these hoodies and t-shirts. Wow, I'm impressed! There's about 5 days left to buy before the campaign closes. Will we break $3000? It does keep me busy checking all day long...


  1. Glad it worked, and hoping for an even better day tomorrow!

  2. Awesome response to the MACC Fund campaign! I'd like to help, but I really don't need another t-shirt or hoodie. How can I make a contribution so that 100% will be directed to the MACC Fund?


    2. wait, maybe that won't work. try this:

  3. We could aim for $ 3600. Sending more prayers

  4. Everybody out here in Sammyworld feels better now too. And after digesting this in our dreams tonight we too will have a Feel Even Better Day tomorrow.
    When things get tough I think about Leonard Cohen's song Anthem and the lines
    "There is a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in"
    The light has gotten in.
    Love you, Sammy, Phyllis, Michael, and the family
