
Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I had a few minutes to wander through the store, restocking the pantry as the school year starts.

I lingered near the snacks, contemplating what I should buy for those after-school snacks that seem to be consumed at an alarmingly fast rate.

Who likes cashews? I thought to myself.
Someone likes those. I should buy some.
(I have a lot of kids. Keeping track of their eating habits is hard!)

Wait....I think it is Sammy.

I didn't buy them.
Maybe I should have.

We've got a busy household.
And yet his presence is always there.

P.S. When I got home, I asked Yael if she likes cashews. "Yes, just like Sammy does," she said. I guess I should have bought them anyway.


  1. It is so hard. sending you warmth and prayers.

  2. It's interesting that Yael answered in present tense and not past...

  3. Ca-shew! Bless you!
    Sammy is still reminding us how good he is for us; I love cashews, too!
