
Sunday, November 8, 2020


Today is Sam's birthday, and we've talked a lot about what he would have liked.

Would he still like McDonald's?
Would he still think dragons are cool?
What would a high school Sam sound like, act like, think like?
What would he think about politics, about food, about Minecraft?
What would he think about music, about math, about books?
What would he think about God?

We have no idea. None. 

He is totally frozen in time, as we move forward through it.
Sometimes I make things up. I look at 15-year-olds and I close my eyes and I try to picture Sam in those situations, those stories, those ideas. But it's just make-believe.

I scroll through the old blog posts...and I realize that I keep wondering. I never stop wondering. 
Will I ever stop wondering? 

What would you be like? 
I wish we had been able to find out.

To make a donation in honor of Sammy's birthday, click here or here.

2nd birthday: Best Shot Monday
3rd birthday: Birthday marathon
4th birthday: This is your birthday song
5th birthday: Five is a big number
6th birthday: Six is Awesome
7th birthday: Lucky Number Seven and Birthday Boy
8th birthday: Little Things
9th birthday: Birthdate
10th birthday: Just Not Okay
12th birthday: Dozen Donuts
13th birthday: I'm Sure
14th birthday: Because You Haven't Grown Up