
Friday, July 20, 2012

A Little Owie

That's how the nurse described the bone marrow biopsy to Sam: a little owie. I admit, we didn't really go into detail about it or the lumbar puncture (aka spinal tap) that went along with it. Vague explanations seemed to suffice for Sam's overactive imagination.

Outpatient stuff is great, in that it feels like a nice visit and then they send you home. Everything went according to plan, except that Sam had a little trouble after the anesthesia...just a crabby comedown...which is, you guessed it, somewhat normal. Oy.

So now we just rest on the laurels of the good lab numbers and wait for the biopsy results, expected on Tuesday and followed by admission expected on Wednesday.

Wishing you all a Shabbat as quiet and peaceful as I hope ours will be. Shabbat shalom!

PS see below for pictures...Sam in the pirate hat garnered him a ton of attention in the hospital and the other collage is of the fancy duds that Michael got to wear to go back with Sam while they put him to sleep. How funny that Michael needed to wear all that stuff and Sam wore his own clothes and even his shoes for the whole procedure!!!


  1. Sam, I love these pictures the best of all. I always used to give bunny ears and make funny faces in pictures, and it used to drive my parents nuts... I still do it and my parents still go nuts... Always make funny faces and never stop giving bunny ears!! xoxo

  2. Sam--

    Here is some advice from another short person. When it comes to bunny ears and tall people, you have to insist that the tall person bend down or slouch or you might as well forget the bunny ears idea.

    If the tall person does not want to help you out, tell the tall person that it is unfair that you are shorter. If the tall person says that it is not his fault that he is taller, repeat that it is unfair that you are shorter. If the tall person ignores you, repeat that it is unfair that you are shorter. (I am sure that you get the idea but remember that it is only unfair if you are the short person and, unlike me, you might be the tall person someday.)

    Cousin Ellen, the short person who often deals with Cousin Rob who is almost always the tall person

  3. Sam, I like your pirate hat. I also like your dad's outfit.
    I think the funny faces you guys are making are the best. I think I'm going to try them out in my mirror.

    Shabbat Shalom.

  4. Love the pictures! Sam, you are just a little too cool!

    Shabbat Shalom!
