
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ring The Bell!

I've learned that most cancer treatment clinics have their own tradition to signal the end of treatment. At our clinic, there's a bell that kids ring with their last chemo treatment. Since Sam's last treatment was completed in-patient, it's typical for AML kids to wait to ring the bell until they're back home, line removed, and "in the clear."

Which Sam is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So on January 4, Sam rang that bell.

And it was one of the sweetest sounds we've ever heard.

Our friend Anne led Sam in the ritual of reciting Birkat HaGomel, a prayer said when one survives an ordeal. I'm quite sure that this was a first for the clinic!

Doctors, nurses, friends and family were all there.
What's a party without cupcakes?

A little post-bell-ringing lunch celebration
Sam actually witnessed a couple of bell-ringings before his turn, and so he was inspired and knew what a big deal it would be. In addition to our beloved family, friends, and medical staff, we were also so happy to share the experience with two young friends (and their moms) who are nearing the end of their own treatment. To hope that Sam's experience can continue to be an inspiration, and to be able to say the words "soon by you" to each of these friends...was sweet and hopeful, a blessing for us all. To Jake and to Grace, we send you love and blessing as well as prayers of continued healing.

We continue to try to express our gratitude for Sam's health, for the love and prayers and help that all of you have given to us...and we continue to fall short of any ability to fully thank each and every one of you.

And so we say it yet again.
Thank you.

P.S. A small project that we've taken on in honor of Sam's bell ringing: 

The MACC Fund Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders is the clinic at Children's​ Hospital of Wisconsin through which Sam's treatment was completed.​ Many of the children receive outpatient​ treatment through the clinic, and we will be going there regularly for our checkup visits. The clinic has told us that they are in need of movies for patients, particular​ly teenagers.​ We have compiled a wish list on Amazon and hope that you will help us purchase the movies. 

Some of the films on the list will help to round out their collection​ - for example, they have 3 of the Harry Potter films but not the whole set. The movies will be sent to us and we will deliver them directly to the hospital! If you want to buy movies and drop them off at our house or office, you can do that too. Just let us know so we take them off this list. Any duplicate films will be given to the HOT Unit or the Soref Family Resource Center but we hope to do separate lists for those two entities. Thank you so much for your generosity​ and help. Please feel free to share this list with family and friends!


  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



  2. Dear Cameron,
    You did not leave me an email address. Please feel free to email me at imabima at

  3. Congratulations Sam and family! I'm not sure if you remember us or not, but my daughter Hannah, 2 years, also was treated for AML in the HOT Unit at Children's Hospital. A couple of treatments we were "in" together. I remember Sam playing with his sword in the hall while Hannah "drove" the little red car. He was so full of energy then with his counts so low. I hope for continued energy as he recovers from such a difficult chemo treatment. Hannah will be ringing the bell on February 5; a day our family is so much looking forward to. Hugs and prayers sent your way for a "boring" and healthy winter at HOME! :)
