
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Back to Bubble

There's really not much to report. The doctors continue to be pleased that Sam is having minimal side effects infections or fevers. I feel as though typing that is just asking for trouble, but it is so far the truth. We are scheduled for more chemo this week and a biopsy on July 2nd to see what's going on with the darn leukemia that really needs to find a new address...we just keep trucking along...

Long days of chemo last week led us to a short clinic visit on Friday and a lot of resting and playing for the last couple of days. On Saturday, Sam begged for a "special outing" and since the weather wasn't too sunny or hot, I agreed to a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo.

Yes, he wore his black socks and carried his security-bucket everywhere. Except when he was eating popcorn. Then guess who had the privilege of carrying it? (Thanks to the dose of Zofran he took before we left, he didn't need to make use of it!)

Sam informed me that I'm a good zoo companion. I am good at map-reading, I am interested in the animals, and I help him read the animal facts. Yes, this is the review that I received as we drove away from the zoo. I promised to put all of this on my resume.

We've played a lot of Sorry...He was FULL of energy tonight, which I hope means only good things.

Karen taught Sam to play Crazy 8s and I'm sure I should say thank you to her, but can you see this evil expression on his face? Yep. That's what it's like to play cards with a trash-talking seven-year-old.
Tomorrow the rest of the family returns from their sojourn to Green Lake and Sam (and I) can't wait to have everyone back together. I do believe that the proprietors of Hotel Maison de Casa House are bracing themselves...


  1. Shavua tov, Sam! Looks like you had a great time at the zoo.

    Do you have a favorite animal there? My personal favorites are the silver back gorillas...I love to watch them watch us at the Bronx Zoo.

    Keep on playing Crazy 8's and feeling good!

    Sending you and your ima and the rest of your family lots of xoxo from NYC,

    ~ Jane.

  2. I loved Sorry! I completely forgot about that game. Looks like a wonderful day. I'm happy Sam didn't need to make use of his bucket.

  3. Awesome video! Of course, Sam won each time, right? Glad he had such a good day.

  4. Glad to know you're hanging in there, Mister Sam.

    Dear ima: glad to know you're hanging in there, too. Thinking of y'all.
