
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Yael's Shave Story

Note: Yael dictated this to Karen, even asking for parentheses and making specific word choices. (Mom added the pictures...) 

My name is Yael Sommer. I am seven years old. I am a fashionista.

On December 14, 2013, my brother died. His name was Samuel. His favorite movie was “How to Train Your Dragon”, and his favorite animal group was reptiles. I miss him.

On April 1, 2014, my parents shaved their heads because of Sammy. They did it with a lot of their friends, and they did it for kids who have cancer. They raised a lot of money for kids with cancer.

My school was doing a fundraiser for St. Baldrick’s, and some of Sammy’s friends and adults at school decided to shave their heads (or cut their hair). My friend Talah and I decided it would be fun to shave our heads, too. We raised a lot of money for the doctors to get medicine for kids with cancer so that they don’t die.

(video link:

We shaved our heads on May 13, 2014. Since there are 500 kids in my school, we did grade by grade assemblies in the multipurpose room. Two kids had their heads shaved at once. (Talah and I did it together.) My principal and some teachers shaved their heads. My babysitter, Ellie, shaved also.

I was a little nervous before they shaved my head. First they cut my hair. Then they shaved it. It tickled and it hurt a little when they shaved my head. Right after they shaved my head, I looked in a mirror and I was surprised! I looked cool.

I was so brave that my brothers ended up shaving their heads, too! Solly wanted to do it for a long time, but David just ended up doing it last with his friend Frankie.

I think Sammy would have been happy that I was doing it for him. I shaved my head because he did it and he knew what it felt like, although I did it differently.

Solly is wearing Sammy's turtle shirt <3


  1. you have a lovely family! you have so much to be proud about. may you have smachot and good times together. shabbat shalom.

  2. In the Bible, when Samson's hair was shaved, he lost all his strength; but you shine like stars, lifting up a whole world of LOVE!

  3. Hi Yael,
    My daughter, Hannah, played with you at shul during Aleeza's bat mitzvah last Shabbat (I saw you pinching one another's cheeks! LOL). You are a very brave little girl for shaving your head. I'm sure Sammy would be very proud of you (and your entire family). I bet you've been told this many times, but I'm going to say it again: Yael, you look very cute with your super-short hair.

  4. She is a beauty, inside and out.

  5. Such amazing sibling love. B"H.

  6. This made me tear up. I've been a follower of your blog a long time, and your beautiful family has been in my thoughts and prayers. Yael is an inspiration.

  7. You all continue to amaze me. <3
