Saturday, April 13, 2013

From here? Up! {day 12}

After settling into our new room, Uncle Josh and I traded places Friday afternoon and Sam and I settled into a hospital Shabbat, which started with a visit from big brother, David.

With counts of ZERO, there's nowhere to go from here but upwards...with no immunity, of course, we're always worried about possible infections but so far, so good.
Sam spent most of the day walking laps while waiting for David to come back (he had stayed at Bubbie and Zeyde's house overnight)....
...and then hanging out with his big brother.

We also spent a lot of the day reading a new-to-us book, The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles. Almost every time I asked what he wanted to do next, he asked if I would keep reading. I think we read about 100 pages today! I love when he gets really into a book like that. I'm enjoying it too! Thanks, Jordan and family!
On a break from a lap, giving advice to the nurse playing Wii with another patient.
I am very appreciative of the young lady in the room next door who is recording her laps on the "scoreboard." Sam is feeling a bit competitive, and he keeps trying to "beat the top score." She did 14 yesterday, so we did 15. Today we did 26, a number that Sam came up with to make sure we would beat her. I suggested that we throw down a friendly challenge by knocking on her door but he was worried that she would stay up later than him and then beat him! This all made me giggle...and whatever gets him moving, right?

Isn't it better to do laps with a sword? If you're Sam, of course! With thanks to Samantha Roberts, a US Olympic hopeful in fencing, who sent Sam a cool fencing helmet during round four -- this was in the long mysterious package from the other day. It's a practice foil, made of plastic, people, so no worries. 
Explaining to Anne the best way to do laps...
A little visit from Anne rounded out our day (and it was nice to have someone else take over the reading responsibility for a little while!)

and then Sam just crashed -- he was exhausted and asleep within a few moments of bedtime. What am I saying....he decided that bedtime would be NOW. And so it was.

I think he's medically fine, but he's not totally himself. He's not tearing around the floor, bouncing off the walls, begging to stay up later. There are moments when he's back to his energetic self, but he just seems a little more tired than usual. So we're doing a lot of resting. That's what the hospital is for, right?

And so we rest....and tomorrow is another day...


  1. Wow, Sam, you certainly are a competitive young man. I agree with your Dad. Why not go for a little Wii hospital challenge? I would put my bets on you.

  2. LOVE the Wangdoodles book. Written by Miss Mary Poppins (as her nom de plume Julie Edwards). LOVE the boy.
