Sunday, November 30, 2014


December again?!
How did we get back here already?
I turned the calendar to December and I felt a catch in my throat.
How can it be nearly a year?
How can 365 long days have nearly passed us by?

A year ago we were at Disney at the beginning of December. It was such a hard trip because we knew...we knew...things were slipping fast. We put up a good front, we played and laughed. We saw friends and family. We trooped from park to park, hoping that one thing, anything, would give Sam what he so desperately sought...but it wasn't to be found. There was no turning back the clock and there was no changing what was to come.


It's the darkest month, that's for sure.

How do you observe a Yahrzeit for your child?

Nothing about this is right.
And yet we will find our way...

A year ago....fireworks lit up the sky

We continue to work toward our goal of $1 million. Will you help us?

Pictures from our Make-A-Wish Trip to Florida.
Looking back I realized that I didn't share many of these....
He really wanted to swim. The water was too cold for him.
Sam's favorite part of Florida was the lizard population. 
Amazing swim-with-the-dolphins experience. (Solly wasn't old enough.)
Sam thought the water was too cold but he thought the dolphins were so cool.
The last picture I ever took of the Sommer Four all together.


  1. Oh, my heart.

    Sam has been in my heart and on my mind all year, as have you and Michael and your other kids.

    Holding you in my heart.

  2. no words. only love and hugs sent your way. you have been a pillar of strength to your family and pple around you.I have learned so much from you, sharing with us your writtings in the blog, experiencing the highs, and the lows, but always with a smile and love. may you have only smachot and much nachat from your children.

  3. Sending you lots of hugs ...

  4. It will always be called December, but in another sense, it’s not “again”; if only we could go “back”! Sammy rides the dolphin into a whole new way of living and being “the Sommer Four.” Thank you for taking us along.

  5. My boys all want to light a candle for each of you on day 365. You're always in our thoughts and prayers.
