Sunday, June 17, 2012

Superheroes for Sam: A Photo Project

As I put Sam to bed on Friday night, I sang Debbie's Mi Sheberach, a prayer for healing.*

The conversation afterward went something like this:
Me: Do you know how many temples there are like ours around the country?
Sam: Um...a thousand?
Me: (impressed) okay, that sounds like a good number. Do you realize that at, say, 500 of those, people said "Sammy Sommer" tonight when they sang that prayer?
Sam: Wait, you mean when you go like this? (and he held out his hand just like I do when I ask for names for healing) And people say names?
Me: Yep.
Sam: I don't believe you. That is too many people.
Me: Ah, but you're wrong.
Sam: We don't have friends in 500 places.
Me: Wanna bet? 

Each day, I get emails and texts and Facebook posts and tweets. 
Sam doesn't quite get the volume of people who inhabit my phone.

I want to show him.
A family portrait I never would have imagined...
If you want to help me show Sam how many people are on his team, so he can feel the love:
Take a photograph of yourself wearing your favorite superhero shirt 
(or holding up their logo...or just smiling!)
Print out the picture.
Put it in an envelope and mail it to:

Sam Sommer, E584
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 1997
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-1997

We will hang all the pictures on Sam's wall...Team Superman Sam! 

*(And I know that many of you are not Jewish, and your prayers are just as important and precious to me - God hears us, however we pray. And let me tell you - we will take all the praying we can get!)


  1. What a wonderful idea - we're on it!

  2. Gathering up the boys, capes, and superhero items to do this now. Lots of prayers, hugs, and superhero wishes coming your way.

  3. LOVE IT!!! We'll get started right away!

    When I preached about you guys on Friday night (like Anne, I related it to the scouts, perspective, and hope), we all took a moment to send prayers to you. So, add at least another FIFTY PEOPLE to your list!! We all love you so much!!

  4. Love it! Love it! Love it! Just ordered a teeny shirt for my one year old who is a proud member of team Superman Sam! Pics to come.

  5. BRILLIANT, in every way. I'm shining just thinking about it.

  6. Sammy, there were more than 100 people at Am Shalom this Friday night and all of them said prayer for your healing ; plus SAT morning at TORAH study we prayed again and again... We, all pray day and night for your health and healing! Believe me, your mother is right, people from all 500 temples prayed for you and will!

  7. Sammy - I met you once when you were about 3 years old. Your daddy performed the wedding ceremony when my husband and I got married. I will pray for you and pass along your story so that people all over the world can add you to their prayers. You are a true superhero!!

    -Keri Halperin

  8. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers as I travel from Westborough, MA to Highland Park, IL, Sammy. You ARE a superhero!
    Sharon Sobel

  9. I'm gonna spread the word of this all over the internets!

  10. I just so happen to have a superhero cape which will be perfect for this occassion!!!

  11. Dear SuperSam,

    Isn't social media a blessing? Because your mommy and daddy blog, tweet, FB, etc., they really do have friends all over the world who love them...and, by extension, YOU!!

    Just wait until all the photos start arriving; you won't believe it!


  12. I read this and thought...

    "Somewhere in Japan...a little boy is now putting on a cape...and taking a picture to send to Sam!"

    How awesome!!

    Bradley Egel

  13. Hi Sammy!

    I'm a friend of your uncle Harry and an almost-rabbi... Lots of people are saying your name with me at Rockdale temple in Cincinnati. I'll be sending a superhero Picture soon!

    Meredith kahan

  14. Oh, I am SO ON THIS.

    Crying for you guys (just being honest.) Holding you in my thoughts, and prayers, EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND.

    (And thanks for the excuse to buy my girls Superman shirts. Nesyah just blew kisses at Sammy.)

    I've never met you, but I love you. All six of you.

  15. Love this idea. P-did you know you have been trending in social media like crazy these past few weeks? Your message is being heard far and wide. You are very loved!!!

  16. We love the superhero team idea. Zachary and Noah (Deutsch) are ready to don their superhero shirts and a picture will be on its way to Sammy! Zachary wants Sammy to know that he hopes Sammy feels better soon. The entire Deutsch family – Bill, Alisa, Zachary and Noah send our love to Sammy and all of you.

    Alisa’s mother in Nashville, TN is including Sammy in her church prayer circle.

  17. I'll find something and send it :)

  18. A bottle of Super Hero Spray is on it's way to you Sammy!!!! It will help you be brave any MAYBE even give you Super powers!! Super Sammy!!! We love you guys!! xoxoxox

  19. Mailing off a picture today!

  20. Michael, I heard about Sam just this morning from a Congregant of yours and now saw Wendi's facebook posting. Sam is definitely in our prayers.

    Thinking of you all,
    Betty Hainsfurther

  21. We made puffy pancakes for Father's Day breakfast in honor of your family. I'll be making the kids do their best superhero impersonations tonight. Much love, strength and healing energy being sent to Superman Sam and his family all the way from Texas.

  22. Sam, my cousin knows your Mom and told me about you. You sound like a real superhero. I am sending prayers to you and reciting a "special for Sam" Mi Sheberach!
    From Barrett's Cousin in Dallas

  23. For the record Sammy, I am in a cool Jewish internship program in New York and I had all 54 interns and staff say Mi Shebeirach for you while we were on a shabbaton in the Poconos. So you certainly have quite a few on the east coast for sure!

  24. I'm printerless at the moment...but please share this one with him. All the way from Hong Kong.

  25. I live her in Milwaukee -- please email me if there is any way I can help --

  26. Dear Sammy:

    Sending you prayers from Indianapolis along with the staff and friends of the Bureau of Jewish Education. We'll come up with photos in a few days!

  27. Dear Phyllis and Michael,
    We send you our love and our prayers for healing for Sam. Please know your and your wonderful family are in our thoughts. You have been a shelter for our Michael; now, may you find shelter in the huge circle of family and friends.
    We don't have any superhero shirts (unless you count Pinstripes shirts) but we'll come up with something.
    Annie and Rick

  28. um, Phyllis, where's your super hero shirt in this photo? you will have mine very soon! Go SuperSammy!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Dear Superman Sam,

    Our family of four would be honored to join Team Superman Sam! We have a soft spot for Superheros in our family and you truly are the real deal! We are sending you SUPER POWERED HEALING ENERGY and lots of LOVE! You and your family are in all of our thoughts and prayers! Our pictures will be there soon! Stay strong Superman Sam!!
    xoxo- Josh, Rachel, Susan and Scott Peterman

  31. Came up with a thought this morning: I think you have the theme for Sam's Bar Mitzvah--Superheros! Never too early to start thinking about the big BM! and now that you have the theme, the rest is easy!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. To my Sommer Family....I love and miss you all so much and it saddens my heart that I'm not able to be in Chicago at a time like this....I'm sending my love and prayers to you all...May the grace of God continue to uplift and keep you all strong...I love and miss you all so much but I'm stopping by to say that, you all are strong and a loving family and will conquer blessed and remember that I'm only a phone call, text, email and drive away.... Sam you GOT THIS and don't worry you have a STRONG family that's behind and in front of you.... Love always Moe;-)
    *I'll always be Team Sam and Sommer...

  34. On its way in the mail tomorrow... but here's a preview. ;-)

  35. Hello,

    I'ma member of a pretty good sized Superman fan group, and we're rallying to send lots of pics Sam's way! We call ourselves the Superfriends of Metropolis, and many of our members who do costuming also visit kids in children's hospitals.

    We might be able to have a couple of costumed superheroes make a special delivery in person, so will you let me know if that's something we can do for Sam?

    Best wishes to Sam and your whole family,
    Kris Johnson

  36. I sent a bunch this evening to the comic book store that is rallying photos for you. I am Stand Ambassador here in NC for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and a Registered Nurse of 14 years. I am also a marathon runner and I run all of my races for the foundation. I raise much needed awareness and funding for childhood cancer research. As a mom of 2 this is something that is close to my heart and I want to teach my children to help other children. I think Sam will be amazed by how many pictures he will receive. I also have a cape I wear after all of my races that was painted by pediatric oncology children at UNC hospital. I told the comic book store, when I emailed my pictures, that my husband and I are running the Marine Corp Marathon in October for ALSF and we would be honored to run in honor of Sam. After all every hero needs their sidekicks and we need a great sidekick while we are out there running 26.2 miles. If you have a picture I would be glad to pin it to the back of my shirt when I am running and gets lots of cheers for him.

  37. Said Sam's name at my son's bar mitzvah on 6.23.12 in Rochester, NY. Just took my picture and hope to get my son's when he gets back in the house. We are part of Sam's supporters! So many people are rooting for him! Stay strong, Sam. And keep fighting. If no one has read "Oh, The Places You'll Go" -- boy would that be a good one for him now! He's in the Waiting Place. And everyone knows, waiting is no fun at all! Sending you love and positive vibes.

  38. And the word I just had to type in was "yersonwell"! If you can believe it!

  39. Sending Sam some superhero love and good wishes for a refua Shelayma from Sydney, Australia! We will daven for a quick recovery this shabbas at Maroubra Synagogue and our shabbat shiur will be in your name!! We are on your TEAM!!

  40. I think what you are doing for Sam is most noble and what better support could he have than the heroes of the world. My best hero is on his way to lend our support. I further invite you to the world of Galaxy Zento (just search it on facebook). There you may print out any hero you wish for his wall. Just look in the photo file marked "heroes". I hope for all the best for young Sam and we envision him growing into quite the hero himself one day!

  41. Hi Sam! My name is Purple Reign and my husband Phoenix Jones and I are real life superheroes in Seattle, WA. We started a movement called the Rain City Superheroes and we actively patrol to stop and report crime, we give aid to victims of abuse and crime, and we speak at schools to children about bullying.

    We heard about your story and it touched our hearts! You are in our thoughts and prayers. I'm sending healing and recovery your addition to a few Rain City Superhero t-shirts, some posters, comic books, and a note of encouragement. I wish we could bring the care package to you in person.

    Thank you for being an inspiration! And please keep in touch!! ~Purple Reign

  42. Hi Superman Sam. I hope you got the picture of the 3 of us!!
    Today I am dropping off a little project for you when I bring over dinner to your house from Ellen Stone. Have your mom bring it to you. Let me know how the story goes!! Thinking of you-

  43. Oops. Was told to hold the package I was to bring. It's coming!!!! Happy to see camp photos. Thinking super thoughts.

  44. SuperPetunia (my superhero dog) and I are sending our pic today. (She recently underwent surgery for hemangiocytoma and considers cancer to be her nemesis).

  45. Saw this on Think Geek and will be sending a picture soon. Praying for you too, Sam. I love turtles and superheroes too!

  46. You will have a Punisher and Riddler as soon as I can get some pictures printed.

  47. Hello Super Sam! There's no doubt about it. You'll be leading the largest league of superhero's !!!

    I know you've the inner strength and courage to over come all obstacles.

    Your Friend Forever,

    Captain Courage.

  48. We'll be mailing a few to you guys on Friday from Tampa, FL. One of them will be from my Roller Derby Team in Pinellas Park, FL. Deadly Rival Roller Derby. Keep up the fight, guys! You're our heroes, too!

  49. Does Sam like Portal or Star Wars? Those are the only costumey things I have. Regardless, I will be posing with a picture of my superhero mom, who survived colon cancer when I was 7.

  50. Looks the prayers are spreading.

  51. I have my friends working on this and putting something together for sam that we will send out on friday for him [=. He is definitely in our prayers and good thoughts!

  52. "Ah shoot man, I ain't no superhero. I'm just a guy stopping zombies. I hope that'll be aright for ya.

    I havta say though, you're the hero kid! Heck, you're better than mah buddy Nick here, and he helps me out lotta time here.

    Shoot, ya may even beat mah buddy Keith, and he's UNSTOPPABLE! Like the one time when me and Keith made a homemade bumper car ride with ridin' mowers in his backyard. Mower blade wounds over 90% of his body. I didn't run him over, either; he somehow managed to fall under his own.

    Anyway, ya sure you ain't the hero here? Now lookie here, I don't have a printer or anythin' to send this, but I found this here computer in a safehouse to take a picture with! So hopefully, this'll still send some good vibes your way. Nick's being grumpy or somethin' and didn't wanna take one, but he sends his best wishes or somethin'! Ya'll take care mmkay? You'll be just fine and ready to stop some bad guys while I stop zombies!

    From, Ellis."

    ((I don't have anything superhero related, so the best I can do is Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2. I also don't have a printer right now, so I hope this will be fine. C: I think this is a lovely idea overall, so I got inspired to do this myself. I thought it'd be fun to do send a message in-character, so yeah! If you read it to him, it's in a Southern accent~ Anyway, prayers to you guys!))

  53. I've sent my hero shot, I work for a company that has built their culture around super heroes and I'm going to encourage them to send in shots as well. Good luck Sam!

    - The Green Lantern

  54. My son and I just mailed Sam our picture as well as a sizable comic book collection. Anything to make his day! :)

  55. A photo will be in the mail today! I also post the article from on my Pinterest. Hopefully my army of nerd girls will send in their photos as well.

    Fight on, Sam & Family!

  56. This is a great idea! Going to be doing this and posted information on my site and our facebook to get more support for young sam!

  57. sending prayers, love and strength to Sammy and your family this holiday of superhero strength and miracles, Riqi Kosovske
